A Private Little War

Mr. Mugato! Kirk returns to the planet Neural thirteen years after he participated in a planetary study only to find Klingons lurking about.

Air Date02 February 1968
Production Number60345
Gregorian Calendar DateTuesday, 28 May 2267 15:43:04 GMT
Wednesday, 29 May 2267 12:34:57 GMT
Primary ArcThe Klingons
Secondary ArcThe Prime Directive
Tertiary ArcBad Medicine
See It or Skip ItSee It!

Previously on Star TrekOrderNext Time on Star Trek
The Doomsday MachineChronologicalThe Immunity Syndrome
The Immunity SyndromeAir DateReturn to Tomorrow
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Errand of MercyPrimary ArcElaan of Troyius
Bread and CircusesSecondary ArcA Piece of the Action
Journey to BabelTertiary ArcThe Paradise Syndrome

Shirtless Sidebar: Nona also cannot resist the opportunity to examine Kirk’s chest as he recovers from a swipe from a territorial mugato.

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