Prelude to Picard | Part Three

I began this list several weeks in advance of the debut of Star Trek: Picard. Needless to say, as each episode premiered I was equally delighted (and dismayed) to add to this list. If you’ve not watched the last TNG film or the film reboot, Star Trek, recently (or at all), I highly recommend working your way through this last of the three-part prelude series of posts before diving into the new show!

In a bit of a change of the format for the blog, the following episodes are relevant (at some level) to the events depicted in Picard. Many of these episodes are marked with an asterisk (*) to designated them as essential viewing, while those that are not marked are listed to provide deeper background on events, characters, and themes relevant to the new series.

Star Trek*2233.03 – 2258.42XI
Children of Mars*UnknownShort Treks | Season 2

Optional Viewing: For additional background on the Romulans, I have provided a long list of episodes (and a few films) that stretch the entire gamut of the franchise (Discovery excluded, which is explained in TOS episode “Balance of Terror” and Deep Space Nine, where the Romulan story arc is not really relevant to Picard).

Star Trek: Enterprise
Babel One
The Aenar
Star Trek
Balance of Terror
Return to Tomorrow
The Deadly Years
Assignment: Earth**
The Enterprise Incident
Star Trek: The Animated Series
The Survivor
The Time Trap
The Practical Joker
Star Trek Films
The Final Frontier
The Undiscovered Country
Star Trek: The Next Generation
The Defector
Tin Man
The Wounded
The Drumhead
The Mind’s Eye
The Next Phase
Birthright | Part One
Birthright | Part Two
The Chase
The Pegasus
Star Trek: Voyager
Eye of the Needle
Message in a Bottle

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end of the Prelude to Picard prep! Now, go watch Star Trek: Picard!

** – Suggested viewing prior to watching Season Two.

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