Into the Forest I Go

Captain Lorca devises a plan to use the spore drive to detect a Klingon ship while cloaked. Burnham and Tyler return to Kol’s ship to setup the sensors needed for Stamet’s to make 133 jumps to scan the enemy ship. While aboard, Lieutenant Tyler experiences post-traumatic stress symptoms, jeopardizing the mission.

Air Date12 November 2017
Production Number109
Gregorian Calendar Date2257
Primary ArcFederation-Klingon War
Secondary ArcThe Mirror Universe
Tertiary ArcBurnham’s Redemption
See It or Skip ItSee It!

Previously on Star TrekOrderNext Time on Star Trek
Si Vis Pacem, Para BellumChronologicalDespite Yourself
Si Vis Pacem, Para BellumAir DateDespite Yourself
Si Vis Pacem, Para BellumProductionDespite Yourself
Si Vis Pacem, Para BellumPrimary ArcWhat’s Past Is Prologue
In a Mirror Darkly | Part IISecondary ArcDespite Yourself
Si Vis Pacem, Para BellumTertiary ArcThe War Without, the War Within

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