The Wolf Inside

Burnham has taken command of the ISS Shenzhou in a ploy to get the information needed for Discovery to get home by impersonating her counterpart in this universe. Tyler’s dueling identities get the better of him to the detriment of Doctor Culber. Later, during a mission to save some rebels from the Terran Empire, the truth about Tyler comes out.

Air Date14 January 2018
Production Number111
Gregorian Calendar Date2257
Primary ArcThe Mirror Universe
Secondary ArcThe Defiant
Tertiary Arcn/a
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Despite YourselfChronologicalVaulting Ambition
Despite YourselfAir DateVaulting Ambition
Despite YourselfProductionVaulting Ambition
Despite YourselfPrimary ArcVaulting Ambition
Despite YourselfSecondary ArcVaulting Ambition
n/aTertiary Arcn/a

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