Who Mourns for Adonais?

Chief Engineer Scott learns that he cannot compete with a Greek god for the attentions of a certain Lieutenant Palamas.

Air Date22 September 1967
Production Number60333
Gregorian Calendar DateTuesday, 25 December 2266 08:14:22 GMT
Tuesday, 25 December 2266 10:04:33 GMT
Primary ArcOf Gods and Men
Secondary Arcn/a
Tertiary Arcn/a
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Previously on Star TrekOrderNext Time on Star Trek
This Side of ParadiseChronologicalMirror, Mirror
Amok TimeAir DateThe Changeling
Friday’s ChildProductionAmok Time
ArenaPrimary ArcWolf in the Fold
n/aSecondary Arcn/a
n/aTertiary Arcn/a

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