Mirror, Mirror

A freak transporter accident strands Kirk, Scotty, McCoy, and Uhura in an alternate reality.

Air Date06 October 1967
Production Number60339
StardateUnknown (approximately 3472.4)
Gregorian Calendar DateWednesday, 26 December 05:25:18 GMT
Wednesday, 26 December 10:26:59 GMT
Primary ArcThe Mirror Universe
Secondary ArcThe Multiverse
Tertiary ArcDuplicates
See It or Skip ItSee It!

Previously on Star TrekOrderNext Time on Star Trek
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The AppleProductionThe Deadly Years
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The Alternative FactorSecondary ArcThe Magicks of Megas-Tu
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Stardate Sidebar: Based on the production order and broadcast order, the episode must occur between “Who Mourns for Adonais?” and “The Deadly Years.” Since there is two days between stardates of these episodes, “Mirror, Mirror” must occur on 27 December 2266, and since negotiations with the Halkans are already underway at the start of the episode, we can reasonably assume that the crew began talks in the morning (ship’s time) and can approximate the stardate as 3472.4.

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