More Tribbles, More Troubles

Cyrano Jones gets caught up again with the Klingons and the crew of the Enterprise. Did I mention that he brought his fuzzy friends with him?

Air Date06 October 1973
Production Number22001
Gregorian Calendar DateSunday, 12 May 2267 10:04:27 GMT
Primary ArcTribbles
Secondary ArcThe Klingons
Tertiary ArcArne Darvin
See It or Skip ItSee It!

Previously on Star TrekOrderNext Time on Star Trek
YesteryearChronologicalThe Mark of Gideon
The Lorelei SignalAir DateThe Survivor
Turnabout IntruderProductionThe Infinite Vulcan
The Trouble With TribblesPrimary ArcTrials and Tribble-ations
The Time TrapSecondary ArcThe Motion Picture
The Trouble With TribblesTertiary Arcn/a

Bonus Arc: Cyrano Jones’s story in begins in “The Trouble With Tribbles

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