The Apple

On Gamma Trianguli VI, a primitive species is held in thrall by a machine that thinks it is a god.

Air Date13 October 1867
Production Number60338
Gregorian Calendar DateThursday, 14 February 2267 01:53:11 GMT
Thursday, 14 February 2267 10:40:14 GMT
Primary ArcArtificial Intelligence
Secondary ArcFinal Frontier
Tertiary ArcThe Prime Directive
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Previously on Star TrekOrderNext Time on Star Trek
ObsessionChronologicalJourney to Babel
Mirror, MirrorAir DateThe Doomsday Machine
The ChangelingProductionMirror, Mirror
The Return of the ArchonsPrimary ArcThe Doomsday Machine
The ChangelingSecondary ArcThe Slaver Weapon
Errand of MercyTertiary ArcBread and Circuses

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