Journey to Babel

Spock’s parents visit the Enterprise as the ship ferries several ambassadors of the Federation to a convention on Babel.

Air Date17 November 1967
Production Number60344
Gregorian Calendar DateMonday, 11 March 2267 17:30:57 GMT
Wednesday, 12 March 2267 11:09:43 GMT
Primary ArcThe Vulcan Way
Secondary ArcThe Orions
Tertiary ArcBad Medicine
See It or Skip ItSee It!

Previously on Star TrekOrderNext Time on Star Trek
The AppleChronologicalBread and Circuses
MetamorphosisAir DateFriday’s Child
Bread and CircusesProductionA Private Little War
Amok TimePrimary ArcThe Enterprise Incident
Will You Take My Hand?Secondary ArcThe Pirates of Orion
Friday’s ChildTertiary ArcThe Paradise Syndrome

Shirtless Sidebar: OMG! Jim’s been knifed by an Andorian! So his shirt must come off.

Stardate Sidebar: “Journey to Babel” is a keystone episode for establishing the old-style Gregorian calendar dates for the original series episodes. Sarek provides us with his exact age early in the episode (and knowing the Vulcan predilection for accuracy in their statements, we presume that it is down to the second). Pairing this information with that of The Next Generation episode “Unification I,” where we learn Sarek is 203 years old on stardate 45233.1, the Voyager episode “Homestead,” where the bulk of the episode occurs on First Contact Day and the stardate stated in the episode is 54868.6, and from the events of “Star Trek First Contact” where first contact occurs after sunset in Bozeman, Montana on 5 April 2063 (and where sundown is estimated to occur at 19:47 local time) we can begin to pin-point the time where Sarek states his age in the episode.

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