The Deadly Years

Several crew members being to age rapidly after searching for missing colonist while on a resupply mission to Gamma Hydra IV.

Air Date08 December 1967
Production Number60340
Gregorian Calendar DateThursday, 27 December 2266 09:54:04 GMT
Thursday, 27 December 2266 13:57:55 GMT
Primary ArcThe Romulans
Secondary ArcBad Medicine
Tertiary Arcn/a
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Previously on Star TrekOrderNext Time on Star Trek
Mirror, MirrorChronologicalFriday’s Child
Friday’s ChildAir DateObsession
Mirror, MirrorProductionI, Mudd
The Practical JokerPrimary ArcThe Enterprise Incident
The City on the Edge of ForeverSecondary ArcFriday’s Child
n/aTertiary Arcn/a

Shirtless Sidebar: Kirk’s 34-year-old pecs make an appearance this episode, evidently to remind us of his youthful vitality just before his rapid decline plays out on screen.

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