The Trouble With Tribbles

Kirk and company encounter a new life form infesting Deep Space Station K-7– tribbles. They also encounter several Klingons while trying to protect a shipment of grain bound for Sherman’s Planet.

Air Date29 December 1967
Production Number60342
Gregorian Calendar DateWednesday, 31 July 2267 21:06:51 GMT
Thursday, 01 August 2267 11:22:53 GMT
Primary ArcThe Klingons
Secondary ArcTribbles
Tertiary ArcArne Darvin
See It or Skip ItSee It!

Previously on Star TrekOrderNext Time on Star Trek
I, MuddChronologicalA Piece of the Action
Wolf in the FoldAir DateThe Gamesters of Triskelion
I, MuddProductionBread and Circuses
Elaan of TroyiusPrimary ArcThe Time Trap
The Trouble with EdwardSecondary ArcMore Troubles, More Tribbles
n/aTertiary ArcTrials and Tribble-ations

Bonus Arc: see Cyrano Jones again in “More Troubles, More Tribbles

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