The Big Goodbye

Captain Picard decides to take a little R&R ahead of an important diplomatic mission with the Jarada, a reclusive insect-like race.

Air Date11 January 1988
Production Number40271-113
Stardate41799.7 (a.k.a. 41997.7)
Gregorian Calendar DateSaturday 04 January 2364 17:30:14 GMT
Primary ArcDixon Hill
Secondary ArcHouse of Crusher
Tertiary Arcn/a
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Previously on Star TrekOrderNext Time on Star Trek
The Arsenal of FreedomChronologicalSkin of Evil
HavenAir DateDatalore
Too Short a SeasonProductionDatalore
n/aPrimary ArcManhunt
Hide and QSecondary ArcThe Child
n/aTertiary Arcn/a

Stardate Sidebar: Because of the events of “Skin of Evil” this episode cannot possibly occur on the stardate stated in the episode as it takes place after “The Neutral Zone” chronologically. My head cannon is that the Enterprise-D went through four chief engineers in its first year (Argyle, MacDougal, Lynch, and Logan) because the computer experienced several technical issues that led it to giving the crew the wrong date when they were recording their logs. Thus, it actually is stardate 41799.7 for this episode and that “Skin of Evil” occurred on stardate 41901.3 (and not 41601.3 as stated in the episode.) The alternative is some time travel shenanigans that have yet to be explained where the crew are tossed back in time after stardate 41997.7 but before stardate 42073.1 in order for a certain crew member to still be present after their departure.

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