Carbon Creek

While some believe First Contact with the Vulcans happened just after the Third World War, others know better. T’Pol regales the captain with a tale of one of her ancestors visit to the planet Earth in the late 1950s shortly after the launch of Sputnik.

Air Date25 September 2002
Production Number027
Gregorian Calendar Date12 April 2152 & October 1957
Primary ArcThe Vulcan Way
Secondary ArcFirst Contact
Tertiary Arcn/a
See It or Skip ItSee It!

Previously on Star TrekOrderNext Time on Star Trek
Shockwave | Part II ChronologicalMinefield
Shockwave | Part II Air DateMinefield
ShockwaveProductionShockwave | Part II
Fallen HeroPrimary ArcThe Seventh
Vox SolaSecondary ArcThe Communicator
n/aTertiary Arcn/a

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