Cease Fire

Captain Archer is asked to negotiate a cease fire between the Vulcans and the Andorians on the planetoid Weytahn. Little does he know, Commander Shran asked for him personally.

Air Date12 February 2003
Production Number041
Gregorian Calendar DateUnknown
Primary ArcThe Andorians
Secondary ArcThe Vulcan Way
Tertiary ArcVulcan vs. Andoria
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Previously on Star TrekOrderNext Time on Star Trek
StigmaChronologicalFuture Tense
StigmaAir DateFuture Tense
StigmaProductionFuture Tense
Shadows of P’JemPrimary ArcProving Ground
StigmaSecondary ArcBounty
Shadows of P’JemTertiary ArcProving Ground

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