The Price

The only known stable wormhole is up for auction by the Barzan’s who do not have the means to manage the singularity for commercial use. Counselor Troi, meanwhile is seduced by one of the representatives also bidding on the rights to the wormhole.

Air Date13 November 1989
Production Number40273-156
Gregorian Calendar DateSunday, 03 October 2365 20:29:22 GMT
Primary ArcArridor and Kol
Secondary ArcHouse of Troi
Tertiary ArcThe Ferengi
See It or Skip ItSee It!

Previously on Star TrekOrderNext Time on Star Trek
The EnemyChronologicalThe Vengeance Factor
The EnemyAir DateThe Vengeance Factor
The EnemyProductionThe Vengeance Factor
n/aPrimary ArcFalse Profits
ManhuntSecondary ArcMénage à Troi
Peak PerformanceTertiary ArcCaptain’s Holiday

Bonus Arc: “The Prime Directive” is preceded by “Who Watches the Watchers,” and is followed by “Déjà Q,” and “The Barzans” is preceded here by “Such Sweet Sorrow | Part II” and continues in “Far From Home.”

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