Prelude to Picard | Part Four

In my prior post on the subject, “Prelude to Picard | Part Three,” I made a small crack about Star Trek: Deep Space Nine not yet being relevant to the events of the series. Now that we’re deep into the fantastic final season of Star Trek: Picard, I find myself having to eat my words.

So far, you don’t really need to watch the episodes on this list to enjoy the story, but it does provide extensive background on events and characters mentioned in the first few episodes of the third season. That said, this may be a better watch following the conclusion of Star Trek: Picard.

Let this serve as a bit of a spoiler alert, if you haven’t started in on the new season. If you want to know more, scroll past the poster art and dive into all 67 episodes of Part Four of Picard Prep!

In a bit of a change of the format for the blog, the following episodes are relevant (at some level) to the events depicted in Picard. Many of these episodes are marked with an asterisk (*) to designated them as essential viewing, Many of these episodes are marked with an asterisk (*) to designated them as essential viewing, while other episodes (marked with a tilde “~”) are listed to provide deeper background on events, characters, and themes relevant to the main arc of the series as it relates to Picard Season 3.

In the Hands of the Prophets~Unknown1
The Homecoming~Unknown2
The Circle~Unknown2
The Siege~Unknown2
Rules of AcquisitionUnknown2
Blood Oath~Unknown2
The Collaborator~Unknown2
The Jem’HadarUnknown2
The Search | Part I48212.43
The Search | Part IIUnknown3
Improbable CauseUnknown3
The Die is CastUnknown3
Family Business~Unknown3
The Adversary48959.13
The Way of the Warrior49011.44
Starship Down49263.54
The Sword of Kahless~49289.14
Paradise LostUnknown4
Return to GraceUnknown4
Sons of MoghUnknown4
Broken Link49962.44
Apocalypse RisingUnknown5
The Ship~50049.35
For the Uniform50485.25
In Purgatory’s ShadowUnknown5
By Inferno’s Light50564.25
Soldiers of the EmpireUnknown5
Blaze of GloryUnknown5
In the Cards50929.45
Call to Arms50975.25
A Time to StandUnknown6
Rocks and ShoalsUnknown6
Sons and DaughtersUnknown6
Behind the Lines51145.36
Favor the BoldUnknown6
Sacrifice of AngelsUnknown6
You Are Cordially Invited~51247.56
One Little Ship51474.26
Honor Among ThievesUnknown6
In the Pale Moonlight*51721.36
Tears of the ProphetsUnknown6
Image in the Sand~Unknown7
Shadows and Symbols~52152.67
Treachery, Faith and the Great RiverUnknown7
Once More Unto the BreachUnknown7
The Siege of AR-558Unknown7
‘Til Death Do Us PartUnknown7
Strange BedfellowsUnknown7
The Changing Face of EvilUnknown7
When It Rains…52684.37
Tacking Into the WindUnknown7
Extreme Measures52645.77
The Dogs of War52861.37
What You Leave Behind52909.07

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the “new” end of the Prelude to Picard prep! Now, go watch Star Trek: Picard Season Three!

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