Remember Me

Doctor Crusher suspects something isn’t right aboard the starship Enterprise when crew start to go missing, and no one seems to remember them ever being on the ship- including the ship’s computer.

Air Date22 October 1990
Production Number40274-179
Gregorian Calendar DateMonday, 08 August 2366 08:40:51 GMT
Primary ArcHouse of Crusher
Secondary ArcThe Traveler
Tertiary ArcThe Multiverse
See It or Skip ItSee It!

Previously on Star Trek
OrderNext Time on Star Trek
Suddenly HumanChronologicalLegacy
Suddenly HumanAir DateLegacy
Déjà QPrimary ArcFinal Mission
Where No One Has Gone BeforeSecondary ArcJourney’s End
We’ll Always Have ParisTertiary ArcParallels

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