
Captain Archer and Subcommander T’Pol search for the splinter group responsible for the embassy bombing, the Syrrannites, at the T’Karath Sanctuary. It’s leader, T’Pau, works to prove him wrong, but in doing so, learns that Archer’s encounter with the Syrran leader may have grave repercussions for their movement and Vulcan society.

Air Date26 November 2004
Production Number084
Gregorian Calendar Date2154
Primary ArcThe Vulcan Way
Secondary ArcThe Syrrannites
Tertiary ArcVulcan vs. Andoria
See It or Skip ItSee It!

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The ForgeChronologicalKir’Shara
The ForgeAir DateKir’Shara
The ForgeProductionKir’Shara
The ForgePrimary ArcKir’Shara
The ForgeSecondary ArcKir’Shara
The ForgeTertiary ArcKir’Shara

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