In A Mirror, Darkly | Part II

Meanwhile, in a universe parallel to our own, Commander Archer plots against Captain Forrest when the Terran Warship Enterprise encounters a ship from the future deep in Tholian territory.

Air Date29 April 2005
Production Number095
Gregorian Calendar Date18 January 2155
Primary ArcThe Mirror Universe
Secondary ArcThe Multiverse
Tertiary ArcThe Defiant
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Previously on Star TrekOrderNext Time on Star Trek
In A Mirror, DarklyChronologicalDemons
In A Mirror, DarklyAir DateDemons
In A Mirror, DarklyProductionDemons
In A Mirror, DarklyPrimary ArcInto the Forest I Go
In A Mirror, DarklySecondary ArcThe Alternative Factor
In A Mirror, DarklyTertiary ArcDespite Yourself

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