Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad

The Discovery encounters an endangered gormagander with an unwanted passenger. In an attempt to help the poor creature, the crew get caught up in a time loop where Captain Lorca is killed fifty-three times. Air Date 29 October 2017 Production Number 107 Stardate 2136.8 Gregorian Calendar Date 2256 Primary Arc Harry Mudd Secondary Arc Federation-Klingon […]

Read More Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad


An attempt on Ambassador Sarek’s life forces Burnham to face her past and her adopted brother’s tumultuous relationship with their father. Cornwell suspects all is not well with Captain Lorca, but before she can figure out what is going on, she is duped into meeting with Kol, the new leader of the Klingon war effort, […]

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Choose Your Pain

Captain Lorca gets captured by some Klingons while returning from a meeting with Admiral Cornwall. He meets a young officer by the name of Ash Tyler and a civilian Harry Mudd while in captivity. Meanwhile, Ripper has a bad reaction to Discovery’s spore drive forcing Stamets to take extreme action. Air Date 15 October 2017 […]

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Context is for Kings

It is six months later, prisoner Michael Burnham has been reassigned to the U.S.S. Discovery, a Crossfield-class science vessel, commanded by the enigmatic Captain Lorca. He offers Burnham a chance to redeem herself by helping him win the Federation-Klingon war, or spend the rest of her life in a penal colony on Tellun. Air Date […]

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Battle at the Binary Stars

The crew of the U.S.S. Shenzhou deal with the fallout of First Officer Burnham’s multiple poor decisions from the prior episode. In an attempt to redeem herself, and save the crew, she inadvertently starts a war with the Klingons. Air Date 09 September 2017 Production Number 102 Stardate 1207.3 Gregorian Calendar Date 11 May 2256 […]

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The Vulcan Hello

In the series premier of Star Trek: Discovery, Captain Phillippa Georgiou Commander Michael Burnham, and Commander Saru of the U.S.S. Shenzhou are out in unexplored territory only to find an ancient Klingon artifact. Commander Burnham is sent to investigate only to make several major mistakes. Air Date 24 September 2017 Production Number 101 Stardate 1207.3 […]

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