I, Mudd

Harcourt Fenton Mudd captures the Enterprise through the use of an android who goes by the name Norman. Later, Harry attempts to escape the home world of his android subjects, including Norman, Alice, Herman, Annabelle, Roger, Barbara, Maisie, Oscar, Trudy, and, of course, Stella. Look, fembots have feelings too! Air Date 03 November 1967 Production […]

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By Any Other Name

Aliens from the Andromeda galaxy stranded in the Milky Way highjack the Enterprise to make the intergalactic trip home. Kirk and Spock devise a plan to destroy the ship rather than make the thousand-year journey. Air Date 23 February 1968 Production Number 60350 Stardate 4657.45 Gregorian Calendar Date Wednesday, 28 August 2267 12:00:06 GMTThursday, 29 […]

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