Will You Take My Hand?

Emperor Georgiou helms the Discovery in a bid to bring an end to the Federation-Klingon war by taking the ship to Qo’noS. With L’Rell’s help, Ash Tyler integrates Voq’s memories into his own before they undertake a clandestine mission to wipe out the Klingon home world. Burnham confronts Cornwell and the plans to commit genocide, […]

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The War Without, the War Within

Stamets gets the USS Discovery back to their universe, only it’s nine months later and the Federation is about to lose the war with the Klingons. Specialist Burnham makes a deal with Emperor Georgiou and they devise a plan to defeat the Klingons with the help of L’Rell and Voq. Air Date 04 February 2018 […]

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Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum

The Discovery is sent to Pavo to use the planet’s unique crystal formations to figure out how to detect cloaked Klingon battleships. Commander Saru discovers a native, non-corporeal life form and develops ideas of his own. Meanwhile, L’Rell starts making moves on Kol. Air Date 05 November 2017 Production Number 108 Stardate 1308.9 Gregorian Calendar […]

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An attempt on Ambassador Sarek’s life forces Burnham to face her past and her adopted brother’s tumultuous relationship with their father. Cornwell suspects all is not well with Captain Lorca, but before she can figure out what is going on, she is duped into meeting with Kol, the new leader of the Klingon war effort, […]

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Context is for Kings

It is six months later, prisoner Michael Burnham has been reassigned to the U.S.S. Discovery, a Crossfield-class science vessel, commanded by the enigmatic Captain Lorca. He offers Burnham a chance to redeem herself by helping him win the Federation-Klingon war, or spend the rest of her life in a penal colony on Tellun. Air Date […]

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