
Vash makes a surprise visit to the Enterprise only to be swept up in the machinations of the being Q. Picard, Vash and the crew are forced into a deadly fantasy, where they must play the characters from Robin Hood. Air Date 22 April 1991 Production Number 40274-194 Stardate 44741.9 Gregorian Calendar Date Monday, 27 […]

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Final Mission

Captain Picard and Ensign Crusher fight for survival after crash-landing on the desert moon of Pentarus III. Meanwhile, Riker takes the Enterprise to the Gamelan system in response to an ecological disaster caused by a centuries-old irradiated garbage scow. It is also the first time Picard mentions the curmudgeonly groundskeeper at the Academy, Boothby, which […]

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Suddenly Human

Captain Picard tries his hand at parenting when the Enterprise discovers a human teenager living among Talarians when responding to a distress call from one of their observation craft. Air Date 15 October 1990 Production Number 40274-176 Stardate 44143.7 Gregorian Calendar Date Monday, 01 August 2366 09:37:07 GMT Primary Arc House of Picard Secondary Arc […]

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The USS Enterprise returns to Earth for repairs and hard-earned shore leave after defeating the Borg invasion. Captain Picard requires extended recuperation before he can return to service, so he decides to return to the family home in Le Barre, France. Air Date 01 October 1990 Production Number 40274-178 Stardate 44012.3 Gregorian Calendar Date Friday, […]

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Samaritan Snare

It turns out that Picard has an artificial heart and he’s due for an upgrade. Picard and Acting Ensign Wesley Crusher take a trip to Starbase 515, where he will get his heart replaced and Mr. Crusher will take an exam for Star Fleet. Meanwhile, Riker must figure out what a disabled Pakled ship needs […]

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We’ll Always Have Paris

The space-time continuum begins to unravel forcing Picard to deal with a woman from his past, meanwhile Data gets to play with antimatter. Air Date 2 May 1988 Production Number 40271-124 Stardate 41697.9 Gregorian Calendar Date Monday 25 November 2363 03:47:54 GMT Primary Arc Temporal Investigations Secondary Arc The Multiverse Tertiary Arc House of Picard […]

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Where No One Has Gone Before

Star Fleet specialist Kosinski and his aide board the Enterprise to make upgrades to the ship’s warp engine. Riker, rightfully, is suspect about the efficacy of these upgrades and is proven right when the ship warps out of the galaxy and out of control. Air Date 26 October 1987 Production Number 40271-106 Stardate 41263.1 Gregorian […]

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