Mudd's Passion

Harcourt Fenton Mudd makes one last visit to the USS Enterprise, this time attempting to escape capture and prosecution for committing fraud and the manufacturing of illegal drugs. Air Date 10 November 1973 Production Number 22008 Stardate 4978.5 Gregorian Calendar Date Saturday, 02 November 2267 14:30:03 GMTThursday, 07 November 2267 15:15:00 GMT Primary Arc Mudd […]

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I, Mudd

Harcourt Fenton Mudd captures the Enterprise through the use of an android who goes by the name Norman. Later, Harry attempts to escape the home world of his android subjects, including Norman, Alice, Herman, Annabelle, Roger, Barbara, Maisie, Oscar, Trudy, and, of course, Stella. Look, fembots have feelings too! Air Date 03 November 1967 Production […]

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Choose Your Pain

Captain Lorca gets captured by some Klingons while returning from a meeting with Admiral Cornwall. He meets a young officer by the name of Ash Tyler and a civilian Harry Mudd while in captivity. Meanwhile, Ripper has a bad reaction to Discovery’s spore drive forcing Stamets to take extreme action. Air Date 15 October 2017 […]

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