The Mind’s Eye

Chief Engineer Geordie La Forge is on his way to a cybernetics symposium (and some much needed shore leave) when his shuttle is captured by a Romulan Warbird. Tal Shiar shenanigans ensue with clones, Klingons, and Kriosians aboard the Enterprise in an excellent send up of The Manchurian Candidate. Air Date 27 May 1991 Production […]

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Lieutenant Commander Data is acting a bit odd after the Enterprise encounters a previously undiscovered wormhole. The ship flung over half a parsec away, the entire crew knocked unconscious, and several clues about what happened are hidden in the crew’s leisure activities. Air Date 11 February 1991 Production Number 40274-188 Stardate 44502.7 Gregorian Calendar Date […]

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The Wounded

The Enterprise is ordered to the Cardassian border to search for the U.S.S. Phoenix and its captain, who is believed to have gone rogue. For the recently married Chief O’Brien, it brings up painful memories of serving under Captain Maxwell during the last war with the Cardassian and the Federation. Air Date 28 January 1991 […]

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Data’s Day

In a series of observational recordings, Data reports out to his former adversary, Commander Bruce Maddox, about his experience as an artificial intelligence aboard the USS Enterprise. Of note, is the marriage of Chief O’Brien’s wedding to Keiko Ishikawa and the ferrying of the Vulcan Ambassador, T’Pel. Air Date 07 January 1991 Production Number 40274-185 […]

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