
Captain Picard must decide whether or not to involve the Federation in an internal power struggle at the request of Chancellor Gowron a civil war is brewing in the Klingon Empire. Worf and his brother Kurn battle to restore honor to the House of Mogh as the Duras sisters challenge Gowron’s claim to leader the […]

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The Mind’s Eye

Chief Engineer Geordie La Forge is on his way to a cybernetics symposium (and some much needed shore leave) when his shuttle is captured by a Romulan Warbird. Tal Shiar shenanigans ensue with clones, Klingons, and Kriosians aboard the Enterprise in an excellent send up of The Manchurian Candidate. Air Date 27 May 1991 Production […]

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Yesterday’s Enterprise

The Enterprise-D encounters a temporal rift that has devastating consequences for the history of the Federation when the ship’s predecessor falls through the rip and into the future. Air Date 19 February 1990 Production Number 40273-163 Stardate 43625.2 Gregorian Calendar Date Friday, 07 January 2366 02:48:28 GMT Primary Arc House of Yar Secondary Arc Temporal […]

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