
Vash makes a surprise visit to the Enterprise only to be swept up in the machinations of the being Q. Picard, Vash and the crew are forced into a deadly fantasy, where they must play the characters from Robin Hood. Air Date 22 April 1991 Production Number 40274-194 Stardate 44741.9 Gregorian Calendar Date Monday, 27 […]

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Captain’s Holiday

Captain Picard has had a rough year and is need in some time off. Riker and Troi talk him into a trip to Risa. Commander Riker asks him to pick up Horga’hn for his collection. Air Date 02 April 1990 Production Number 40273-167 Stardate 43745.2 Gregorian Calendar Date Wednesday, 23 February 2366 20:22:35 GMT Primary […]

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