The Original Series

Star Trek is a seminal American science fiction television series that first aired in the 1960s. The series follows the adventures of the starship Enterprise and her crew as they explore the Milky Way galaxy in the mid-2260s. In my most recent re-watch of the series, I sought to stick to what I considered the “best of” the series in order to cut down on the time it would take to view the entire franchise.

Each episode is indicated with either a “W” for watch or an “S” for skip. I also opted to order my viewing in “chronological order” as best determined by the initial stardate given in the episode. If there isn’t a stardate, I placed it where it made the most sense relative to the other episodes. Eventually, each title will link to a post that discusses the reasoning for seeing an episode or skipping an episode.

Lastly, episodes that are “essential” are indicated with an * in the Ep. No. column. Essential episodes are selected on a number of factors including character development, other cannon connections, and cultural impact. In other words, these often are best of the best of each season.

Season 1

Season One had 29 episodes, though with the first pilot it is a total of 30. Many of them now considered classics, both for the series, franchise, and 60’s television. I ended up with 77% of the season’s entries worth watching. 10 episodes I consider essential in the season.

Ep. No.TitleStardateSee/Skip
1×00*The CageUnknownW
1×01*Where No Man Has Gone Before1312.4W
1×03*Mudd’s Women1329.8W
1×02The Corbomite Maneuver1512.2W
1×05The Man Trap1513.1W
1×07Charlie X1533.6S
1×04The Enemy Within1672.1S
1×06The Naked Time1704.2W
1×08*Balance of Terror1709.2W
1×18The Squire of Gothos2124.5S
1×09What are Little Girls Made of?2712.4W
1×10Dagger of the Mind2715.1W
1×12The Conscience of the King2817.6W
1×13*The Galileo Seven2821.5W
1×14Court Martial2947.3W
1×15*The Menagerie | Part 13012.4W
1×16*The Menagerie | Part 23013.1W
1×17Shore Leave3025.3S
1×20The Alternative Factor3087.6S
1×21Tomorrow is Yesterday3113.2W
1×24*Space Seed3141.9W
1×22The Return of the Archons3156.2W
1×23A Taste of Armageddon3192.1S
1×26*The Devil in the Dark3196.1W
1×27Errand of Mercy3198.4W
1×28*The City on the Edge of ForeverUnknownW
1×29Operation — Annihilate!3287.2W
1×25This Side of Paradise3417.3S

There are a few Season Two episodes that occur during Season One. Catspaw” chronologically occurs after “The Menagerie | Part II” and before “Shore Leave.” “The Gamesters of Triskelion” occurs after “Errand of Mercy” and is followed by “Metamorphosis.” “Amok Time” follows “Operation — Annihilate!

Additionally, there are two episodes of The Animated Series that occurs, chronologically, during the first season of The Original Series. “The Practical Joker,” which occurs after TOS episode, “The Return of the Archons” and before TOS’s “A Taste of Armageddon,” and (through a bit of head-cannon hand waving) “The Magicks of Megas-Tu,” which I’ve placed between the TOS episodes “The Squire of Gothos” and “What Are Little Girls Made Of?

Season 2

Season Two ran 26 episodes. 58% of the season made it through to the watch list. Stardates are, relative to the broadcast order, all over the place for the season as well. There are 8 episodes I consider essential in this season.

Ep. No.TitleStardateSee/Skip
2×17The Gamesters of Triskelion3211.7S
2×05*Amok Time3372.7W
2×04Who Mourns for Adonais3468.1S
2×11The Deadly Years3478.2S
2×03Friday’s Child3497.2S
2×08The Changeling3541.9S
2×07Wolf in the Fold3614.9S
2×09The Apple3715.0S
2×10*Mirror, MirrorUnknownW
2×15*Journey to Babel3842.3W
2×14Bread and Circuses4040.7W
2×06*The Doomsday Machine4202.9W
2×16A Private Little War4211.4 W
2×19The Immunity Syndrome4307.1W
2×20A Piece of the ActionUnknownW
2×12*I, Mudd4513.3W
2×13*The Trouble with Tribbles4523.3W
2×21By Any Other Name4657.5S
2×23Patterns of ForceUnknownW
2×24The Ultimate Computer4729.4W
2×25The Omega GloryUnknownS
2×22*Return to Tomorrow4768.3W
2×26Assignment: EarthUnknownW

There is a single Season One episode that occur chronologically in Season Two, “This Side of Paradise” which falls after “Amok Time” and before “Who Mourns for Adonais?

In season two, The Animated Series episode “The Slaver Weapon” occurs between the TOS episodes “Bread and Circuses” and “The Doomsday Machine.”

Lastly, a couple of Season Three episodes occur in the middle of Season Two, including “Elaan of Troyius” which follows “The Immunity Syndrome” and “Spectre of the Gun” and precedes “I, Mudd.”

Season 3

Season Three produced 24 episodes of varying quality. It is well-documented the challenges the cancelled then renewed series experienced in it’s last season. I won’t rehash them here, but even with the unevenness there are still several standout episodes. Like Season Two, 58% of the episodes qualified for a W. Also like Season Two, 8 episodes rank as essential.

The first two episodes of Season Three are chronologically out of order. By stardate they would occur between The Immunity Syndrome and “I, Mudd.” To keep things neat and tidy, they lead off the Season Three list. The earliest episode by stardate for the season is then “The Paradise Syndrome“.

Ep. No.TitleStardateSee/Skip
3×02Elaan of Troyius4372.5W
3×01Spectre of the Gun4385.3W
3×03The Paradise Syndrome4842.6S
3×04*The Enterprise Incident5027.3W
3×05And the Children Shall Lead5029.5S
3×08*The Empath5121.5W
3×11*Day of the DoveUnknownW
3×14That Which SurvivesUnknownS
3×17The Mark of Gideon5423.4W
3×06Spock’s Brain5431.4S
3×10For the World is Hollow
and I Have Touched the Sky
3×07Is There in Truth No Beauty?5630.7S
3×09*The Tholian Web5693.2W
3×13Wink of an Eye5710.5W
3×16Whom Gods Destroy5718.3W
3×18The Lights of Zetar5725.3S
3×15*Let That be Your Last Battlefield5730.2W
3×12*Plato’s Stepchildren5784.2W
3×19The Cloud Minders5818.4S
3×20The Way to Eden5832.3S
3×21*Requiem for Methuselah5843.7W
3×22The Savage Curtain5906.4W
3×24Turnabout Intruder5928.5S
3×23*All Our Yesterdays5943.7W

Most of the Animated Series episodes have stardates that occur during Season Three. The TAS episode “Mudd’s Passion” follows “The Paradise Syndrome,” after which, TAS episodes “The Survivor,” “Beyond the Farthest Star,” “Albatross,” “One of Our Planets is Missing,” the classic “Yesteryear,” and “More Tribbles, More Troubles,” round out the first tranche of episodes. After the TOS episode “Day of the Dove,” more animated adventures continue including, “The Lorelei Signal,” “The Ambergris Element,” “The Eye of the Beholder,” “The Infinite Vulcan,” “The Terratin Incident,” and “Once Upon a Planet.” Then, after TOS’s “Is There in Truth No Beauty?” is “The Jihad.” Lastly, after what I consider to be the true original TOS series finale “All Our Yesterdays” are the final four episodes including, “How Sharper Than a Serpents Tooth,” “The Pirates of Orion,” “The Counter-Clock Incident,” and “Bem.”

At the end of the series, 64% of episodes are worth watching and 34% are essential.